“Gheorghe Marinescu” Symposium of the National Neuroscience Society of Romania
With International Participation
With International Participation
The preliminary programme can be found here. Although the majority of the participants are romanians from Romania or established abroad, we hope that it will be an interesting meeting, and we hope that the chairmans will be equidistant and full of attention to the public too. Some interesting themes will be presented, and some of them relatively new for a romanian symposium. Regarding this, we hope that this will be a moment for colaborating and we hope that it will not be transformed into a vanity-war (as sometimes happens, of course, not at the neuroscience symposiums).
Prgramul preliminar poate fi gasit aici. Cu toate ca majoritatea participantilor sunt cercetatori romani, fie din tara fie din strainatate, suntem siguri ca va fi interesant. De asemenea speram ca atat prezentarile cat si discutiile sa fie moderate echidistant, lasand la o parte principiul "cine imparte parte isi face', sau, tinand cont de grupul restrans de participanti, timpul sa fie alocat proportional cu prieteniile. Vor fi prezentate teme interesante, unele relativ noi pentru un simpozion romanesc, ceea ce ar putea pune premisele unor colaborari interesant. Nici varianta unei batalii a egourilor nu poate fi exclusa, simpozionul este in fond unul romanesc, desi nu credem ca acest lucru este posibil si atunci cand organizatorul este Societatea de Neurostiinte.
Professor Ion Haulică MD, PhD.
Professor Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici MD, PhD, Fellow of the Romanian Academy.
Professor Valeriu Neştianu MD, PhD
Professor Francisc Schneider MD, PhD
Professor Ion Haulică MD, PhD.
Professor Constantin Bălăceanu Stolnici MD, PhD, Fellow of the Romanian Academy.
Professor Valeriu Neştianu MD, PhD
Professor Francisc Schneider MD, PhD
EDAB Public Lecture - Where do arts and science meet?
The Artistic Brain. The Psychosomatic Impact of Music. Art Therapy
organized by the National Neuroscience Society of Romania
June 3rd, 2007, from 14:30 to 19:30
The Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest
Invited speakers:
Leon Zagrean MD, PhD – Centre for Excellence in Neuroscience, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Ioan Bradu Iamandescu MD, PhD - Medical Psychology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Iuliana Dobrescu MD, PhD – Psychiatry Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici MD, PhD, Fellow of the Romanian Academy - Romanian Anthropological Research Center "Fr.I.Rainer", Romanian Academy
Cristina Glavce PhD - Romanian Anthropological Research Center "Fr.I.Rainer", Romanian Academy
Leon Zagrean MD, PhD – Centre for Excellence in Neuroscience, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Ioan Bradu Iamandescu MD, PhD - Medical Psychology Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Iuliana Dobrescu MD, PhD – Psychiatry Department, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici MD, PhD, Fellow of the Romanian Academy - Romanian Anthropological Research Center "Fr.I.Rainer", Romanian Academy
Cristina Glavce PhD - Romanian Anthropological Research Center "Fr.I.Rainer", Romanian Academy
The description of the event, presented below, was originally found here.
The event will consist of lectures, informal presentations, held by both art and medical science academics. The audience and lecturers will discuss how arts shaped science in its beginnings, how they still influence it today, the science of arts and science’s providing new methods in creating art.
Both art and medical students will be given the opportunity to express their talent by illustrating the topic of the lecture in a drawing contest. Prizes will be awarded for the best student works.
A talk will be given to present The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and EDAB to the audience, its topics and activities on the promotion of knowledge.
The event is open for the public.
The event will consist of lectures, informal presentations, held by both art and medical science academics. The audience and lecturers will discuss how arts shaped science in its beginnings, how they still influence it today, the science of arts and science’s providing new methods in creating art.
Both art and medical students will be given the opportunity to express their talent by illustrating the topic of the lecture in a drawing contest. Prizes will be awarded for the best student works.
A talk will be given to present The Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives and EDAB to the audience, its topics and activities on the promotion of knowledge.
The event is open for the public.
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