Neuroscience Blog

Brain - Neuroscience Research Team.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Good News! A new unique & beautiful site!

Posted by brain - research neuroscience group

The most unique site is now LIVE!
Why unique?

It is made by 2 medical students without IT or web design special training.
It is made without other's help, it is constructed and mentained at this moment just by personal efforts, with personal finacial investments.
It is a site made with passion for neuroscience & research.
It has a unique graphical appearance for a neuroscience site.
It reflects a part of the authors work & interests.
It is the only site with a such theme.
It is the only site in this manner made by medical students.
It is multidisciplinary.
It has a friendly look even on subjects considered by many students to be "rough".
It is conceived to be in continous growing!
It has the potential to become a coagulating factor for those interested in thalamus research! home page
(the site is a private property)

So, today is a special day for three reasons:

it is Claudiu's Mother name day and the begining of this site could be a great present!

it is a big day for the orthodox people

it is the first day of

Prima zi de!

O premiera pentru lumea stiintifica romaneasca si fara nici o exagerare, un unicat din foarte multe puncte de vedere (expuse sus :) ) pe intreg www-ul.
Speram ca site-ul va fi primit si in spatiul romanesc asa cum se cuvine, la adevarata sa valoare, proportional cu noutatea pe care o aduce si proportional cu efortul investit in acest site. Exista astfel bazele, fie ele si in pixeli :) , ale unui spatiu in care cei pasionati de cercetarea talamusului si a conexiunilor talamocorticale - sa se intalneasca. Poate si prin faptul ca asupra cercetarii structurilor subcorticale, cel putin in Romania, se oglindeste un look modern acum, mecanismele criticismului si ale orgoliilor emfatice vor fi supuse actiunii unui mecanism GABAergic ( in fond, talamusul (.ro) n-ar functiona corect fara inhibitia data de gaba).

Robert S. McNamara - Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated.

Starting from this idea, it is a good moment to say 'Welcome"!